Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Trunks Cosplay! Work in Progress UPDATED April 3rd

Well where to start >.> The good newz or teh bad newz DX Eh i'll get the bad out of the way.

My Trunks sword Ver 1 is kinda fail DX instead of the tactic i was gonna use (witht he nerf sword) wouldn't work, mainly cause of the cost of the Nerf Marauder Longsword. So we took a differen't approach. using Foamboard, CPVC, Duct tape, and cardboard XD Unfortunately i didn't think my first try through very well. the blades shape ended up a bit curvy and not shaped right, but i went with it,  i cut out several pieces of the Foamboard in the blades pattern. and i took three of them and  hotglued them together, then i took the remaining four and glued those together, it looked pretty bad but oh well :3

Then i hollowed out the four layered blade for the CPVC To go into. That actually worked pretty well. and i then glued both the blade pieces together. Then i tried shaping the blade >.> this is where it gets bad. I screwed it up :3 lol the blade is very curvy and looks pretty poor. So i said to hell with it and built the rest of it anyway, so i know how to build the rest without screwing up :3 i'll write up a WHOLE tutorial on it once i start my work over again.

On to the good stuff. I HAZ most of my costume :D The Jacket and Boots (even though they probably won't fit)  will be arriving in 2 or 3 days thanks to the awesome Pan Pan on  

I also have the Tank top and Sweat pants. so now the only things left that i haven't started work on are the Belt, Sheath, and Sheath Strap. Also new boots if the ones i ordered don't fit. DX

Anyway now I'll just post a few pics here for references on my Trunks Sword XD I DON'T own these nor do i claim to.

Well that's all for now, bye!

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