Saturday, April 2, 2011

Quick Update Before bed :3

It's 4:30 AM and i'm writing a blog post.. *head desk*

Well let's see some things about this week XD I broke on of my front teeth then got it fixed YAAAAAAY Maybe I'll do a story though on how my two front teeth got OWNED by a metal table at my friends house :3

Hmm other stuffz, Me and Brindle have been talking about making a RP site slightly based off of a Hayao Miyazaki style thing XD Speaking of which HAPPY B-DAY BRINDLE!! My bestie! I hope you like your present and the music I'm sending ya :D

Oh also the reason i haven't made a post yet is becuase well i'm working on several XD just still adding to them. My Mobile Suitz let me show you them! Is... somewhat done XD Um Also i want to show off my Nerf Gunz, Star Wars stuuufff, Books, Autographs, Video Games, Ocarina's, My anime collection. (I THINK that's all XD)

Oh! and some new things I want to do, mainly for myself XD is Link this site up with my old Nerf site Nerf Herders. And the second is do a Top Ten List, Favourite Anime, Characters, Books, Movies, ya know random stuff :3

Well that's all o,O i hope. See ya laterz homie, PEACE OUT >,>


  1. XD this may seem kinda rude, but can i PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEEEE help with the Hayo Miyazaki web site!!!!!
    I love hayo miyazaki films and I think I could help!!!! You don't have to respond but if you want to I'll give you a hint to my e-mail address (I don't feel comfortable posting my e-mail all over the web)
    It's my real last name (not wolf) and then! oh and i was wondering If you could possibly do a review of different Anime tv shows and manga comics? that would be great:D! thanks!- Rosie Wolf.

  2. Lol! That soudns awesome Rose ^^ I'll talk to da Brindle, if me and her are even working on teh site anymore, and i'll get back to ya on it. I can give you my email or skype if you want.

    Also! I do intend to review some Anime stuuuf when i can ^^
