Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Irritated DX

Neh DX irritated nowz Well i still want to place in an order from Gundam store and more, since the Gundam i reeeeeeeeeeally want is on sale DX But my dad had to go an order the Star Wars figure cases this month and used up our collecting budget >< Also my money is all going into supplies for my costume and some workout equipment so i can get in better shape.

But i also need Gundam Markers :( so i can detail the RX78-5 and submit it for the Gundam Store and More contest. Oh well i can dream can't i? :3

Well atleast easter is coming, yummy candeh :3

Now i'ma go sleep, bye sorry for the lame post!


  1. I know EXACTLY how you feel!!!! there have been many things that I've wanted that were either on sale or in limited stock and I couldn't get it because I didn't have enough money :(
