Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm alive!

Yesh Yesh I'm still alive, sorry!! I really need to update this more frequently, rather then try going on several different blog posts at once. XD Well the kitty nearly murdered me today. As i was going downstairs and teh kitty charged at me >.> knocking me down head first the last couple of steps.

Anyway now i must tell thee about my trip :3 I went to Myrtle beach last week! with my Mom, Sisters and Grandparents. The drive down was pretty nice and we ate allot XD We stayed at a pretty nice hotel actually and i had my iphone so i took some pics!

The Top of the Hotel with two random cars XD

The 'living room' of the hotel room XD

And the beach from the balcony!!! 

Well the first day was pretty dull, we just got there, explored the hotel and unpacked. I set up my laptop and stuff ^^ and i wrote half of my review for the Dragonball series.

Later once it got to dinner time we went out to Red Robin (YUM) Where i ordered myself the Monster burger, i went to heaven that day XD and i ate the whole thing. Also this burger was so beautiful i had to take a picture

Look at that GLORIOUS MASTERPIECE OF DELICIOUSNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anywho, the next day we went to broadway at the beach!! which is my normal beach hang out in Myrtle Beach, not so much the actual beach. Although i did visit it later that day. Broadway has just about every thing, Build-A-Bear, crappy jokeshops that i love, Some store filled with epic vintage like stuff. (i got a BlackKnight metal sign from there, XD the blackknight from Monty Pythons, The holy grail! "None shall pass!" and "Have at you!" and "I'll bite your legs off!!"  Where repeated many a time that day)

Anywayz then we made our way down to Magi Quest, stopping only for lunch at the Food stands around, Pretzeldogs, Pretzel sticks, and Pizza hut pizza filled our tummyz :3 and it was gooood.

So then we went to Magi Quest, my Grandmom and me i think had more fun then my sister O,O Me and grandmom ran around picking out our new wands, (I got a new epic one :3) and Wand toppers and stuff like that ^W^ And we played till our magic time ran out, After that it was about dinner time, we had wanted to originally go out to house of blues which is at Barefoot landing. (Like Broadway at the beach but less flashy XD it's allot calmer feeling, and it's mainly on this boardwalk like thing over a swamp like thing.) But with our luck House of blues was closed!!!!!! The place was dead empty but i did take a few pics.

Well that SUCKED, considering for the past several years we've been trying to go to that House of Blues, and yet every time something stops us. But anyway then we had to go find something else to nom upon. We went to Joe's Crab Shack! And i had crawfish for the first time :3 they're freaky but tasty.

After we went to a candy shop and peeked inside of this Ghost show thing that i really want to see oOo it looked awesome but we didn't have enough time to see it.

After that my family went back tot he hotel and we swam in da in door pool, and then went for a walk on the beach ^W^ which was awesome.

That was Day 2, now to day three! the final day D: We packed and got ready to leave, but before we left the hotel i used my Iphone to look up if there where any comic book stores around and it happens that i found one :3 just down a few blocks from the hotel.
I went to Corsair Comics! which i must say is a really awesome store even though they're DVDs on anime were overpriced. They did have a cosplay section though!!! which i promptly looked through XD and i found... 

This!!! A wooden cosplay sword from apparently Naruto. My mum bought it for me :3 and I only bought this for the looks cause it's freaking awesome.

 When i picked it up i thought it was a real sword o,o cause the blade looks amazingly crafted. As is the whole sword. I really wish i knew who made it but i forgot to ask. They did have several other cosplay wooden swords, non that looked like Trunk's sword but oh well ^^ and i'll find out who made them next time i go there.

Anyway no on to the rest of the day, we went to broadway at the beach again, we went for lunch at Johnny Rockets which, is, freaking, AWESOME. and tasty :3 then we went around trying to complete the Garden quest for Magi quest ^^ it was long though XD

And that was it ^^ we got back into the car and drove home, also at a gas station i did see something rather odd...

It may take a few times to reread that but M&M STD... STD??? M&Ms with transmitted deceases DX  Oh meh gawd. I HOPE that means something else but my mom pointed it out and throughout the rest of the drive my family kept referencing the STD m&ms

Well that's everything! see ya later!


  1. Ok don't no where to begin, I'll start with that heavenly (I hope that's how you spell it , I'm on my iPod touch which does not have spell check) it is beyond words!!!! XD but I do have a question, did you eat the whole thing? Cuz if you did that makes me feel better cuz I am pretty sure I could have eaten all of XD anyway it sounds like you had a great trip :) I wish my family went on trips like that. Omg STD and m and ms? what the hell!!!!!! where else can u get your STD and m and ms all in the same place? Of course your gas station!!!!! Atleast it doesn't say aids and STD o_0. it probaly does stand for something different (I really hope so) but what moron would think that when people see STD they think that would stand for something like soda tacos drinks? Don't you just love America.

  2. Of COURSE i ate the whole thing >,> I'm almost insulted you'd think otherwise XD And LOL I can see the marketing now... 'M&M's now with AIDS :D' Oh god that was a bad joke >,< sorry lol :3

  3. sorry didn't mean to insult you XD and about the bad joke, it's ok it made me laugh ^-^ but then again this is coming for a person who makes bad jokes XD

  4. i just read this and rosie that comment ROFL XD
