Friday, April 29, 2011

My star wars comicz Let me show you them!

XD well I'm organizing my comic book collection (only star wars for this one) and since I had a list I figured id post it here.

Sw purge oneshot

SW the hunt for aurra sing

Army of two no.5

Dark empire #1 of 6

Chewbacca 2 of 4

Knight errant 0
Knight errant 2
Knight errant 4

Rogue leader 2

Rebellion: #0 2 4 6

SW invasion #2, 3,

invasion: rescues # 1,3,4,5,6,

Dark times: blue harvest #2,3,4

Dark times #1,2,3,

legacy #0,1,6,7,9,10,11,17,33,35,38,48,

Blood ties #2,3,4

The old republic #1,2,3,4,5,6,

knights of the old republic #8,9,10,14,15,16,17,22,23,28,47,49

Legacy:war #1,2,3,4,

Darth vader and the lost command #1,2,3,

(also posted this through an iPhone! My first iPhone post XD)

I cannot wait till free comic book day WOOOT!!!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A tiring day XD

Well i had a good day today ^^ It was fun hanging out with my friend Rose, even though she robbed me of Anime XD (JK!!! I let her take em, i just sorta forgot what i let her take O,o lol fail. But Rose lemme know what you have so i know i'm not missing stuff :3 ALSO if i was you i wouldn't watch Neon Genesis Evengelion yet O_O I suddenly remember nothing about it, and it may turn out to be bad, gross, stupid, I DON'T KNOW but i'd recommend not watching it without looking up stuff about it first :3

Anyway that's all for now lol Bye!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Lol sorry!!! I've been mainly roleplaying and working out XD i need to focus on one post at a time i think instead of starting six and adding a little to each everyday.  Anywho i need to give a shout out to my buddy Knightraven for pointing me towards something on gundam store and more DIS

The GundamRX-78 GP01! XD Hopefully i can beg some money off of my dad. Although we have been looking at the Mega Scale gundams so we might pick up one of those instead.

In other stuff for a delayed Easter present I'm getting some Manga, Black Butler and Rurouni Kenshin :D can't WAIT to start reading them!!! Also I now plan on cosplaying as Sebastian from Black Butler at Anime Fannatiku next year.

Now i would like to turn a little attention to someone who i'm pretty sure is reading this but won't follow meh blog D: Tosh there's a google following thing on the side bar of this blog.It says Followers :3

Anyway OoO something odd I've noticed in two different Anime openings the opening songs sound like they're from the same Band /Group!

XD i may be wrong or i may be right but here they are

And the other

That's all BYE!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Anime Review: Dragonball!

Dragon ball review! Well I've been a big fan of dragonball z, since my dad showed it to me x3 when I was little. I always used to watch it on Toonami when I could and on Saturday morning cartoons. One of my favourite  characters of all time is Future Trunks, from his own saga, the android saga, and more that I can't remember ANYWAY um so yeah I like DBZ ^^ but now I have finally gone back and watched the original Dragonball!!!!!

Well first off the main story of this anime is Goku, a young but incredibly strong boy with a monkey tail is living in the mountains. Keeping an orange ball with four stars that his grandfather Gohan left him.  Then a city girl named Bulma shows up and tells Goku about the dragonballs. There are seven in total and once they're all gathered the eternal dragon shenron is summoned and grants a single wish.

(Above: Goku with his friends, Yamcha, Oolong, Puar, Master Roshi, and Bulma.)

Onto the series. I used to watch this on regular day-time TV. Which shocked me at the strange and somewhat pervertedness of the series OwO For instance at one point after Goku and Bulma have met, Bulma is sleeping in bed and comes up to sleep with her (NOT IN A BAD WAY) But he lays his head in her lap, looks confused, then proceeds to remove her underwear >.<  Then of course he yells and says the best line ever "Bulma! your balls are missing!!!" she of course thinks he's talking about the Dragonballs ><

Also the fact the Goku just drops his pants and pees wherever he is is rather amusing XD It's very amusing actually. So is Goku's patting of peoples crotches to find out if they're boys or girls XD

Anywho, i love this series now XD The Red Ribbon Army Saga was one of my favorites, as was the last World Martial Arts Tournament where everyone is Older and Goku's grown up.

I recommend this series if your looking for a fun, crazy, and somewhat perverted yet extremely innocent then watch Dragonball!.

Also i must say overly enjoyed myself watching these and learning the back stories to my favorite characters. Goku, Picollo, Krillin, and all the rest

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I'm very sorry that i haven't updated in awhile DX I've been working in the Garden, Working on my Trunks sword, Watching DBZ, and watching Rurouni Kenshin! :3

So anything new with me? YESH YESH many many thingz.I need to redo my Trunks sword. Trying to assemble my Trunks cosplay, WHICH by teh way I got the other day!!!! :D I got the jacket, pants, boots, material for sword and sheath. and the undershirt. But i'll do a post tomorrow dedicated to my cosplay.

I've been having a TON of fun RPing Hellsing (a vampire anime) with my Homie.

Since i got that Cosplay naruto sword thing i have been really into Samurai and Ninja anime :3 Which brings me too... 

Rurouni Kenshin Wandering Samurai! 

Once again and Anime i loved when i was little XD Although i was maybe 8, 9, or 10 when i watched it, So i don't remember all too much. I've watched about 4 of the Regular episodes. (Not OVA which i need to watch instead DX) 

Anyway Kenshin is awesome ^^ and it's inspiring my new RP character for Me and Brindle X-men roleplay site. 

Rei Myojin!

Anyway tha'ts it for this post ^^ See ya guys later Bye

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Irritated DX

Neh DX irritated nowz Well i still want to place in an order from Gundam store and more, since the Gundam i reeeeeeeeeeally want is on sale DX But my dad had to go an order the Star Wars figure cases this month and used up our collecting budget >< Also my money is all going into supplies for my costume and some workout equipment so i can get in better shape.

But i also need Gundam Markers :( so i can detail the RX78-5 and submit it for the Gundam Store and More contest. Oh well i can dream can't i? :3

Well atleast easter is coming, yummy candeh :3

Now i'ma go sleep, bye sorry for the lame post!

Trunks Cosplay! Work in Progress UPDATED April 3rd

Well where to start >.> The good newz or teh bad newz DX Eh i'll get the bad out of the way.

My Trunks sword Ver 1 is kinda fail DX instead of the tactic i was gonna use (witht he nerf sword) wouldn't work, mainly cause of the cost of the Nerf Marauder Longsword. So we took a differen't approach. using Foamboard, CPVC, Duct tape, and cardboard XD Unfortunately i didn't think my first try through very well. the blades shape ended up a bit curvy and not shaped right, but i went with it,  i cut out several pieces of the Foamboard in the blades pattern. and i took three of them and  hotglued them together, then i took the remaining four and glued those together, it looked pretty bad but oh well :3

Then i hollowed out the four layered blade for the CPVC To go into. That actually worked pretty well. and i then glued both the blade pieces together. Then i tried shaping the blade >.> this is where it gets bad. I screwed it up :3 lol the blade is very curvy and looks pretty poor. So i said to hell with it and built the rest of it anyway, so i know how to build the rest without screwing up :3 i'll write up a WHOLE tutorial on it once i start my work over again.

On to the good stuff. I HAZ most of my costume :D The Jacket and Boots (even though they probably won't fit)  will be arriving in 2 or 3 days thanks to the awesome Pan Pan on  

I also have the Tank top and Sweat pants. so now the only things left that i haven't started work on are the Belt, Sheath, and Sheath Strap. Also new boots if the ones i ordered don't fit. DX

Anyway now I'll just post a few pics here for references on my Trunks Sword XD I DON'T own these nor do i claim to.

Well that's all for now, bye!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Looking forward to tomorrow!

Hiya quick update here :3 Well tomorrow i plan to finish up my review of the Dart Tag Speedload 6 and if i'm lucky my dragonball review, also a update on my Trunks Cosplay will be mostly written tomorrow ^_~

I plan on talking to Brindle tomorrow about the RP site that i'm blanking on the name of tomorrow :3

Oh and some random thingz


I mean holy crap!!! i'ts him O_O What Da Frick?

Also i wanted to show you peoplez my brand new 

*random face* 
Yesh, EPIC is it not?

Anywho here'z two sneak peak pics on my upcoming thingz :3

Yep that's all :3 see you guys later i shall leave you, with a song.

Alucard from Hellsings Happy song ^W^

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm alive!

Yesh Yesh I'm still alive, sorry!! I really need to update this more frequently, rather then try going on several different blog posts at once. XD Well the kitty nearly murdered me today. As i was going downstairs and teh kitty charged at me >.> knocking me down head first the last couple of steps.

Anyway now i must tell thee about my trip :3 I went to Myrtle beach last week! with my Mom, Sisters and Grandparents. The drive down was pretty nice and we ate allot XD We stayed at a pretty nice hotel actually and i had my iphone so i took some pics!

The Top of the Hotel with two random cars XD

The 'living room' of the hotel room XD

And the beach from the balcony!!! 

Well the first day was pretty dull, we just got there, explored the hotel and unpacked. I set up my laptop and stuff ^^ and i wrote half of my review for the Dragonball series.

Later once it got to dinner time we went out to Red Robin (YUM) Where i ordered myself the Monster burger, i went to heaven that day XD and i ate the whole thing. Also this burger was so beautiful i had to take a picture

Look at that GLORIOUS MASTERPIECE OF DELICIOUSNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anywho, the next day we went to broadway at the beach!! which is my normal beach hang out in Myrtle Beach, not so much the actual beach. Although i did visit it later that day. Broadway has just about every thing, Build-A-Bear, crappy jokeshops that i love, Some store filled with epic vintage like stuff. (i got a BlackKnight metal sign from there, XD the blackknight from Monty Pythons, The holy grail! "None shall pass!" and "Have at you!" and "I'll bite your legs off!!"  Where repeated many a time that day)

Anywayz then we made our way down to Magi Quest, stopping only for lunch at the Food stands around, Pretzeldogs, Pretzel sticks, and Pizza hut pizza filled our tummyz :3 and it was gooood.

So then we went to Magi Quest, my Grandmom and me i think had more fun then my sister O,O Me and grandmom ran around picking out our new wands, (I got a new epic one :3) and Wand toppers and stuff like that ^W^ And we played till our magic time ran out, After that it was about dinner time, we had wanted to originally go out to house of blues which is at Barefoot landing. (Like Broadway at the beach but less flashy XD it's allot calmer feeling, and it's mainly on this boardwalk like thing over a swamp like thing.) But with our luck House of blues was closed!!!!!! The place was dead empty but i did take a few pics.

Well that SUCKED, considering for the past several years we've been trying to go to that House of Blues, and yet every time something stops us. But anyway then we had to go find something else to nom upon. We went to Joe's Crab Shack! And i had crawfish for the first time :3 they're freaky but tasty.

After we went to a candy shop and peeked inside of this Ghost show thing that i really want to see oOo it looked awesome but we didn't have enough time to see it.

After that my family went back tot he hotel and we swam in da in door pool, and then went for a walk on the beach ^W^ which was awesome.

That was Day 2, now to day three! the final day D: We packed and got ready to leave, but before we left the hotel i used my Iphone to look up if there where any comic book stores around and it happens that i found one :3 just down a few blocks from the hotel.
I went to Corsair Comics! which i must say is a really awesome store even though they're DVDs on anime were overpriced. They did have a cosplay section though!!! which i promptly looked through XD and i found... 

This!!! A wooden cosplay sword from apparently Naruto. My mum bought it for me :3 and I only bought this for the looks cause it's freaking awesome.

 When i picked it up i thought it was a real sword o,o cause the blade looks amazingly crafted. As is the whole sword. I really wish i knew who made it but i forgot to ask. They did have several other cosplay wooden swords, non that looked like Trunk's sword but oh well ^^ and i'll find out who made them next time i go there.

Anyway no on to the rest of the day, we went to broadway at the beach again, we went for lunch at Johnny Rockets which, is, freaking, AWESOME. and tasty :3 then we went around trying to complete the Garden quest for Magi quest ^^ it was long though XD

And that was it ^^ we got back into the car and drove home, also at a gas station i did see something rather odd...

It may take a few times to reread that but M&M STD... STD??? M&Ms with transmitted deceases DX  Oh meh gawd. I HOPE that means something else but my mom pointed it out and throughout the rest of the drive my family kept referencing the STD m&ms

Well that's everything! see ya later!

Friday, April 8, 2011

My Top Favorite Anime Songs!

First off this is by no means the COMPLETE ULTIMATE SONG LIST >,> nu it's just my personal favorite Anime Openings and Songs. In no particular order too XD

1# Cha La-Head Cha La from the original Dragon Ball Z Opening.

2# Just Communication By Two Mix, from the 1st opening of Gundam Wing

3# Resonance from the 1st opening of Soul Eater

4# Dragon Ball Z Heroic Trunks

5# Gundam 08Th MS Team Opening.

6# Hellsing Opening

7# Gundam 00 Opening

8# Dragon Ball Z Goku turns Super Saiyan 3

9# Soul Eater ending 1

10# Legend Of Heroes Opening

Well there XD those are my top 10 favorites ^^ some i grew up with, some I've just learned this year. Also if you've noticed the lack of FMA songs well that's because there are too many i'd like :3


Hiii I'm back peoplez!!!! I'm working on somne new posts and uploading pics now ^^ So i'll have myself a review on dragonball, an update on my costume, A cosplay sword review, and hmmmm maybe a review of Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory, My magi quest experience. and! My dart tag Speedload 6!

Also there's a random song :3 bye!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Goin' on a Trip!!!

Woot, So yesh i'm going to Myrtle Beach for two nights with my mom and grandparents ^^ So i won't be posting till i get back! But I'll be writing them on my Iphone to post when i'm baack :3 and i'll take lotz of pics ^^
I'm writing this up right now as my Iphone updates XD Adding some anime music and tis awesome.

Hm let's see in myrtle beach i'll mostly be chillin' Playing Magi Quest, and trying to beat Legend Of Heroes: Tear of Vermillion (a game very close to meh heart, and hopefully to my bestie friend Brindle >3> Cause i met her with my epic character based off of one in Legend of Heroes, The Vampire Avin! who is also my picture that the again amazing brindle made for meh.)

Hmm um um um... What else! Oh yesh! I found out that, the one cosplay trunks jacket and boot set is available for my greedy purchasing :3 so dats a YAY

Later this week my dads gonna go to TRU (Toys R Us) and he might be picking me up some of the Nerf Dart Tag stuff.

Speaking of buying things, me and my dad picked up allot this weekend. which includes..

Two Star Wars Vintage style action figs, R2-D2 and Lando! Also two comics :3 

This me and my dad snatched up at WalMart in the cheap video game section, 10$ for the Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition! A steal even if it's for the PC 

Lastly, my own knife, not that i really need it. But i still love it, my dad was telling me about how his dad took my dad and his brothers out to get they're own knives sometime. and now it's passed down to me, my dad took me to check out some knives and i picked this one out ^^

Okay so anything else... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Well i have a story to fully upload here for Brindle, I was a Baka and am trying to make things up to her for meh bakaness X3 Also Um i do need to Review Dragonball the TV series, since i watched all of those and i'm now working on Dragonball Z! 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Quick Update Before bed :3

It's 4:30 AM and i'm writing a blog post.. *head desk*

Well let's see some things about this week XD I broke on of my front teeth then got it fixed YAAAAAAY Maybe I'll do a story though on how my two front teeth got OWNED by a metal table at my friends house :3

Hmm other stuffz, Me and Brindle have been talking about making a RP site slightly based off of a Hayao Miyazaki style thing XD Speaking of which HAPPY B-DAY BRINDLE!! My bestie! I hope you like your present and the music I'm sending ya :D

Oh also the reason i haven't made a post yet is becuase well i'm working on several XD just still adding to them. My Mobile Suitz let me show you them! Is... somewhat done XD Um Also i want to show off my Nerf Gunz, Star Wars stuuufff, Books, Autographs, Video Games, Ocarina's, My anime collection. (I THINK that's all XD)

Oh! and some new things I want to do, mainly for myself XD is Link this site up with my old Nerf site Nerf Herders. And the second is do a Top Ten List, Favourite Anime, Characters, Books, Movies, ya know random stuff :3

Well that's all o,O i hope. See ya laterz homie, PEACE OUT >,>