Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I want to start this off by saying SCREW YOU GOOGLE CHROME >,< It just crashed and lost this WHOLE post. that i'd spent the last hour writing and now have to rewrite.

Well i must say i am very sorry for not posting here allot, just haven't been in a blogging mood but now i think i'll be a bit faster with getting posts out :3

Anyway what I've been up to, Almost done Atlantica in KH, I've been reading Manga, Been better with my diet but i've been slacking off with my workout >w<, My dad traded some old crappy X-box stuff for some Film (like used in a movie theatre!!!) Trailers for Star Wars Episode 1 The phantom Menace, I've been getting hyped up for X-Men: First Class, Hopefully i'll get my order on Gundam Store and more in soon, I've been sculpting Paopu fruit necklaces, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND last but not least, i may be working on a Manga version of Dark Hollow (Our vampire story) with Brindle, if she has the time to go over some things on it with me ^^

For pick-ups this week i got Black Butler Volume 2 and Hellsing Volume 3 :D

Also I'll upload a few pics soon of the Paopu Fruit i've been making. But here's an example pic

Well all for now, Bye

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