Sunday, May 15, 2011

Three Random Neko Characters

Zero: A tall Neko boy with slightly spiky white hair and amber eyes.  Zero grew up alone in the city, having only a black cat that followed him around, his personality is rather awkward, finding it rather hard to be around other people. The only thing of value to him, aside from his cat is a strange gold necklace he has. The only item he has linking him to his parents, he wouldn't trade it for anything or for any reason.

Jacen: A delightfully insane Neko, Jacen is around 16 to 17 years old, his purple and pink stripes are natural, despite what people may think. He's always enjoyed being the outcast in school. When peopled made fun of him it simply made him embrace his strangeness even more. So of course, he wears purple and pink striped clothing to match his tail. His brother is Atticus

Atticus:  Jacen's older brother, only older by a year. Appearance wise Atticus's hair is very spiky dark grey/brown, the opposite of his brothers bright purple and pink. His tail is also striped with brown and grey. His personality is much calmer then his crazy brother, only since Atticus spends allot of his time making sure Jacen's actions don't get him in trouble. He's never really had a chance to let lose and be crazy, So he's usually the silent guy standing off in the corner until he's forced to speak up for his brother. Atticus's hobbys are usually playing guitar or making small sculptures.

(I know this was random for anyone else. But there ya go Brindle :3 tell me which you like more.)

1 comment:

  1. Upon quick glance I thought the top one was named Jacen; which would be ironic since I've been using that pic an avatar for every site I visit, and my name is Jason XD.
