Saturday, March 26, 2011

Trunks Cosplay! Work in Progress

Hiya! Me again XD writing up a quick, pretty much notes for myself on my Trunk's (Future Trunks from DragonBall Z) Cosplay for Anime Vegas this year. (and Halloween later this year)

Here are my three reference pics for this costume, just randomly found on google.

At first i was going to try and buy Trunk's Jacket off of a cosplay site, but it turns out that specific Jacket would have been too big for me. Then the other Jacket and Boot set i saw was put on hold *head desk* I sent the owner a message in case the other sale or whatever fall through but i'm not holding my breath.

The first and MAIN thing for this is i need to get in better shape >3> not to say I'ma fatty but i still didn't feel comfortable XD and i think by now I'll fit in the costume pretty comfortably, i'm not ripped but i think i can pull the costume off ^^

For the Jacket i was originally going to get a jean jacket and cut it to size, and add the patch and just use that, but thanks to my loving mother (>,>) she's offered to sew me a Jacket from some other material with a jean jacket pattern.

The undershirt and pants should be easy enough. Black or grey sweatpants, and a black tank for the undershirt.

That leaves the boots and, Belt, Sword and Sheath

The boots, well i'm trying to model them after these
It looks to be very simple, Snow boots covered in yellow spandex and some added fake leather. I'll be searching Goodwill for some cheap snow boots and then i'll just buy the rest of the stuff from a fabric store or something ^^

The Belt and Strap for the sheath will be made from some webbing material (i think atleast >> my mum knowz it) that i can paint or even spray paint to the right colors.

The sword will be mainly foam, actually now that i think of it i could probably use a Nerf Sword and alter it... HMMMM :3 the sheath should just be cardboard, covered in colored duct tap ^^ should turn out pretty well.

Well that's all i have now! I'm going to put a list down there of what i need just so i can keep track.

  1. Fabric for Jacket: Needed
  2. Capsule Corp Patch: Needed
  3. Jacket Pattern: Needed
  4. Undershirt: Needed
  5. Sweatpants: Needed
  6. Snow Boots: Needed
  7. Yellow Spandex for boots: Needed
  8. Fake Leather: Needed
  9. Material for Belt and Strap: Needed
  10. Spray Paint or Fabric Paint: Needed
  11. Nerf sword for base of sword: Needed
  12. Cardboard: HAZ IT!
  13. Colored duct tape: Needed

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous that you get to go to anime Vegas -_-. great blog by the way!!! :) hope to see you soon and thanks sooo much for following!!-Rosie Wolf
