Friday, March 18, 2011

Review: Gundam Store and More Gold Membership

Hello! Today I'm going to be reviewing my Gundam Store and More Gold membership!

If you don't know what Gundam Store and More is, and your a gundam fan, then i highly suggest you check it out.

This has to be one of my favorite gun-pla sites (I think Gun-Pla is a term right? O, o) They've got a very wide selection of kits, toys, and many other things, Including they're own membership service. Also some of the cooler things on the site is they're Deal of the Week. Which is usually a very low priced item. Although it seems like allot of they're items are fairly priced ^W^ Which is pretty good for me considering i barely have any money XD

Okai on to the membership! There are three levels of the memberships to choose from, Silver, which includes.. Lemme see: A club card, A mystery gift back valued at 25$, Members only prices on certain items and more! so go to they're website and check it out :3

The Gold includes all the Silver stuff, And a free high grade model and a free master grade model! (my first Master grade :3) And i honestly don't remember what else and what the platinum comes with.

On to some pictures now! As soon as i got the box i tore into it before i grabbed my camera XD but this is what is basically was.

And.... THE BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!

This is pretty much what it looked like when i opened the box, except the gift pack with my membership card was on top, i can't show it unfortunately because it has my membership number on it DX

Pictured here is the only two kits me and my dad actually payed for! The RX-79 Gundan Ground type HG and the RX-78-5

Now my free stuff!!! Epicness :3 

An SD gundam, a weird Zero One ball shooter thingy, and my free HG! Tieren Space Type from Gundam 00 XD

More free stuffz, XD A gundam store and more pen, a pack of gundam wing cards, a Gun-pla checklist, and a  zip-lock bag of Japanese candy.

Then here is my Master Grade model, and two no grades, a Mobile Bucue and a Mobile Ginn

Then everything in total! XD I am very happy with my order from Gundam Store and More, and even more happy with the Gold membership. I'd recommend it to anyone who's built a few models and enjoys them. I've already built every kit i got from this shipment and i'm going to put another in soon :3 also even my sister wants a Gundam Club membership, so we'll be getting her the Silver membership, and an SD kit too. 

I'll be doing reviews on some of the models once i get some more pic of them ^_^ See ya later!

1 comment:

  1. does the BuCUE model's leg bend. and change into tank mode????
    i really want to know. because i want a bucue but i don't know if i should chose the HG or the old retro one.

    I wish for a reply if possible on your regard.
