Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Review: MS-05B Zaku1 Master Grade

Hooray! My first real model review today!

The MS-05B Zaku-one, Principality of Zeon Ramba Ral's customize mobile suit! Okay well first off. I have NO idea what this series this Mobile Suit is from or who Ramba Ral is. I'm only judging this for it's looks and the Kit itself. Although this may not be the most helpful review this was my first master grade and i'll be posting allot of pictures with it.

The finished Zaku! XD This thing is pretty odd looking at first, but i'm strangely gotten attached to the design.

Here's the head and chest of the Mobile Suit. Sorry for the bad quality!

The top of the head open with the mechanics revealed. (Which i think is friggin' awesome!) Unfortunately though the red Eye thing is supposed to move around by using a tab on the back of the head. However i tried several times to assemble it, it never worked right. Even when i followed the Instructions exactly.

Here's the MS with the Head hatch open and the chest open, revealing the mechanics and the tiny figure inside :3

And here's just some random posses I made using the different weapons. The Axe thing, Both of the Rifles and the Bazooka!

The Ramba Ral Figurine unpainted that came with the Kit, i doubt i'll ever paint it XD

This is the second thing about the Kit that bugs me,  The colors of the Thumb and Index finger are light blue, while the rest of the three fingers are Grey. For some reason this reaaally bugged me, i mean, the fingers should be the same color shouldn't they? O,o In the anime are they supposed to be like that? I dunno but it didn't make meh a happy Avin. 

........ Ya know what? it was 4 AM when i was takin' the pics >W> So shut up.

Well now for some final thoughts. This thing is pretty cool and I'm glad it was my first Master Grade BUT it has a few flaws. The fact that the eye in the head thing worked so poorly was disappointing and so was the strange colored Thumb and Index finger. 

But the positives are it's very nicely detailed right out of the box, the stickers and decals worked nicely, and it was a fun model to build!

All in all i think i'll give this a score (not that it needs one, i'll probably stop doing scores XD) A 8 out of 10, 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Trunks Cosplay! Work in Progress

Hiya! Me again XD writing up a quick, pretty much notes for myself on my Trunk's (Future Trunks from DragonBall Z) Cosplay for Anime Vegas this year. (and Halloween later this year)

Here are my three reference pics for this costume, just randomly found on google.

At first i was going to try and buy Trunk's Jacket off of a cosplay site, but it turns out that specific Jacket would have been too big for me. Then the other Jacket and Boot set i saw was put on hold *head desk* I sent the owner a message in case the other sale or whatever fall through but i'm not holding my breath.

The first and MAIN thing for this is i need to get in better shape >3> not to say I'ma fatty but i still didn't feel comfortable XD and i think by now I'll fit in the costume pretty comfortably, i'm not ripped but i think i can pull the costume off ^^

For the Jacket i was originally going to get a jean jacket and cut it to size, and add the patch and just use that, but thanks to my loving mother (>,>) she's offered to sew me a Jacket from some other material with a jean jacket pattern.

The undershirt and pants should be easy enough. Black or grey sweatpants, and a black tank for the undershirt.

That leaves the boots and, Belt, Sword and Sheath

The boots, well i'm trying to model them after these http://www.cosplay.com/marketplace/showproduct.php/product/38434/cat/fav
It looks to be very simple, Snow boots covered in yellow spandex and some added fake leather. I'll be searching Goodwill for some cheap snow boots and then i'll just buy the rest of the stuff from a fabric store or something ^^

The Belt and Strap for the sheath will be made from some webbing material (i think atleast >> my mum knowz it) that i can paint or even spray paint to the right colors.

The sword will be mainly foam, actually now that i think of it i could probably use a Nerf Sword and alter it... HMMMM :3 the sheath should just be cardboard, covered in colored duct tap ^^ should turn out pretty well.

Well that's all i have now! I'm going to put a list down there of what i need just so i can keep track.

  1. Fabric for Jacket: Needed
  2. Capsule Corp Patch: Needed
  3. Jacket Pattern: Needed
  4. Undershirt: Needed
  5. Sweatpants: Needed
  6. Snow Boots: Needed
  7. Yellow Spandex for boots: Needed
  8. Fake Leather: Needed
  9. Material for Belt and Strap: Needed
  10. Spray Paint or Fabric Paint: Needed
  11. Nerf sword for base of sword: Needed
  12. Cardboard: HAZ IT!
  13. Colored duct tape: Needed

Thursday, March 24, 2011



I'm STILL trying to put my friend Nerf Alpha-Trooper back together and it's NOT BLOODY WORKING. >W< i am ticked, yesh very very ticked at this thing.

I have for some reason the parts just don't seem to be lining up properly to close, then when it it closed it won't prime back. If anyone knows how or why this is doing this please contact me.. I'm screwed. The only thing on i've done is chop off the clip lock. HELP ME SOMEBODY >< This nerf gun is seriously ticking me off

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Busy Busy Yesh Yesh

>W> Yesh yesh i ish busy today! I must place in and order for my friend birthday present, work on a site, advertise a site, finish writing a book, AND bind two books together >W< Gawdz, I'll be a bit busy but next i'll post some pics of a nerf scope i painted and Hm.... My nerf gunz let me show you them :3

Oh and here'z a song!!

Yesh i'm still watching dragonball! and i must say i enjoy the instrumental opening song rather then the one with the lyrics :3

Friday, March 18, 2011

Review: Gundam Store and More Gold Membership

Hello! Today I'm going to be reviewing my Gundam Store and More Gold membership!

If you don't know what Gundam Store and More is, and your a gundam fan, then i highly suggest you check it out. http://www.gundamstoreandmore.com/

This has to be one of my favorite gun-pla sites (I think Gun-Pla is a term right? O, o) They've got a very wide selection of kits, toys, and many other things, Including they're own membership service. Also some of the cooler things on the site is they're Deal of the Week. Which is usually a very low priced item. Although it seems like allot of they're items are fairly priced ^W^ Which is pretty good for me considering i barely have any money XD

Okai on to the membership! There are three levels of the memberships to choose from, Silver, which includes.. Lemme see: A club card, A mystery gift back valued at 25$, Members only prices on certain items and more! so go to they're website and check it out :3

The Gold includes all the Silver stuff, And a free high grade model and a free master grade model! (my first Master grade :3) And i honestly don't remember what else and what the platinum comes with.

On to some pictures now! As soon as i got the box i tore into it before i grabbed my camera XD but this is what is basically was.

And.... THE BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!

This is pretty much what it looked like when i opened the box, except the gift pack with my membership card was on top, i can't show it unfortunately because it has my membership number on it DX

Pictured here is the only two kits me and my dad actually payed for! The RX-79 Gundan Ground type HG and the RX-78-5

Now my free stuff!!! Epicness :3 

An SD gundam, a weird Zero One ball shooter thingy, and my free HG! Tieren Space Type from Gundam 00 XD

More free stuffz, XD A gundam store and more pen, a pack of gundam wing cards, a Gun-pla checklist, and a  zip-lock bag of Japanese candy.

Then here is my Master Grade model, and two no grades, a Mobile Bucue and a Mobile Ginn

Then everything in total! XD I am very happy with my order from Gundam Store and More, and even more happy with the Gold membership. I'd recommend it to anyone who's built a few models and enjoys them. I've already built every kit i got from this shipment and i'm going to put another in soon :3 also even my sister wants a Gundam Club membership, so we'll be getting her the Silver membership, and an SD kit too. 

I'll be doing reviews on some of the models once i get some more pic of them ^_^ See ya later!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New blog segment XD

Well now i'm starting this off with some updates on what i'll be posting here XD this first one i like to call 

My (blanks) Let me show you them :3  So i can show off my Gundams, Pokemans, Video Games, Nerf guns and all sort of epic and fail stuff!

Then some other things i intend to get to, Nerf Updates. Nerf VS xD which is supposed to be comparing Nerf guns to each-other for instance the Nerf Barrel Break VS The Buzz Bee Double Shot. Another one i was considering would be something like, taking a nerf gun and finding a  real life fire arm that would share some of the same design for it.

Anyways besides those updates, I've been working on the garden lately XD and it's going pretty well, i shall post pictures once i put some plants in.

Now i shall leave to go advertise my best friend and mine RP site and watch more Dragonball! I leave you with this epic cheesey song

Random entry today

Hai there. If anyones reading this, Which i doubt but oh well XD This is more like a super nerdy way for me to keep track of myself, OwO lol.

Well now i'm just sitting around talking to my homie Brindle, sipping some coffee, and watching dragonball. Once i'm finished with dragonball i'll probably post a review of my series, with my thoughts on it XD then next i'll watch Black Butler, And then finish Gundam 00 which I also intend to review. XD i like putting my opinions out there ^W^  So reviews of those are coming. And also hopefully this weekend i can go out and hunt down the Nerf Dart Tag guns :3 i doubt i'll find anything but wish me luck.

I'ma upload some pic of my model collection tonight and then probably some nerf news for the fun of it ^W^

Monday, March 14, 2011


Ello! Another post today, this time mainly to help me keep my list of nerf mods organized. I have pretty decent sized list.

Current To Do List:

  1. Alucard From Hellsings 'Jackal' Custom pistols, made from two or three mavericks and a dart tag Stormfire handle.
  2. Duncan's modded Alpha Trooper birthday present. Mods: AR removed/Spring stretched.
  3. Brindle's (meh besty!!!!) Custom painted nerf gun, although i still haven't decided what gun to give her yet.
  4. Alpha-Trooper Master key. Mods: Minimize down to master key size/Relocate cocking handle/Attaches to T-Rails.

Now on to my other mods that i haven't started yet(Need more parts/Don't have it thought out yet)

  1. Nerf Lancer(GOW) Pendulum War era style Longshot. Mods: Spring upgrade/Bayonet
  2. Nerf Titan Shotgun. Parts need: 9 CPVC or PETG dart barrels/3 larger barrels to house the smaller ones.
  3. BB Rapidfire Rifle old west paintjob.
  4. DT Crossfire. Mods:Added mav spring/AR removal/Minimization.
  5. Nerf Raider Stormtrooper Rifle. Mods: (need to remember >,<)
  6. Nerf Double Diskshot. Mods: Spring/AR removal/Integration.
  7. Big Bad Bow and Longshot Integration mod.
  8. Vulcan Mods: Voltage upgrade/Build a ammo box for 50 to 100 round chains/Paintjob.
  9. Nerf Triple Barrel Maverick.
  10. Nerf Red Recon and Red Crossfire Integration.
  11. Nerf Switch Shot with Foam blade on the underside.
  12. Nerf Longshot and Alpha-Trooper Integration. 
  13. Nerf Tourqe Bow (GOW) Mods: No bloody idea...

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Ello! I'm Avin (real names Logan :3 my MOM named me after Wolverine when she read one of my dads comics XD) This is my brand new mint in package blog. I'm just an average insane 16 year old uber nerd.

I've always been a giant star wars nerd since my dad showed me the movies on VHS when i was little and gave me his Boba Fett action figure from when he was little. I still collect to this day and have a rather large collection of Hasbro figures, some loose and some in package. And allot of other higher end collectibles, from 12 inch sideshow figures, to Kotobukiya models ^3^ *nerdface*

Although now my collecting has expanded. I've also got collections of Video Games, Gundam Models, Dragon Ball z stuff, Nerf, Anime almost anything awesome XD my big dream now is to open and run my own comic and collectibles store. If that's not nerdy enough, I play Nerf, and no i don't just run around my yard shooting foam... I stalk my opponents in camouflage with highly modified weapons of foam destruction >3> MWUHAHAHAA

Other then that i spend my days roleplaying, writing, watching anime, and talking to my buddies :3 I shall be posting many random, pointless, and awesome reviews on here, about collectibles, anime, toys, conventions, nerf, gundam, and any other insane things i can find!